this numbness is unnatural

i came to work today with a major attitude problem. oh, i know. i have an attitude problem, but today i was hardly in the mood to smile. i couldn't hide my sarcasm and irritation, me, miss smiley. i could not even be civil to his evidence, to ateng, to tita annabelle. in short, to everyone.

it's not that i have anything against them. how could i, when i didn't see them all weekend and the last i remember, we parted last saturday morning with good cheer.

i guess it's me. i felt like i was going to drag my ass through another week of work. another week of reports, monitoring, calibration, team meetings...everything as normal. it's another week in my life.

oh, and i haven't done my stat assignment yet. i plan to go home early today, hit the gym, and then rush through my assignment like crazy. then go to sleep, and then go to school. and i remembered, we have a quiz later. haha.

anyway, let me go back to working so i can finish all this.

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