my stars

March 19, 2009

Virgo (8/23-9/22)

You're on a quest today, but do you know what you are looking for? Clues are everywhere, but they will useless to you if you're not clear about your objectives. So go slowly and make sure you've got everything you need to get things done today. If you just shoot right out of the gate, you might go farther faster, but you might be going in the wrong direction. There is no need to hurry right now -- you won't impress anyone, and you won't achieve your goals.

i do want to take things slowly, and i'm looking all around me, trying to judge whether a particular incident, decision, email, phone call, is a clue as to what i want to be and to do.

the interview i went to last friday did not get me the position i applied for. although i felt bad about it when i first read the email, i figured that this must be a sign. of what, i don't really know, much like i still don't have any idea what my rejection email from the other call center meant, even through i thought i got the position down pat.

during the mass last sunday, the gospel reading was about how Christ knew about human nature. i prayed a little prayer that He lead me to what i should be doing. i've prayed the same prayer for years now, but i still went my own way. this time, i'm letting Him lead me. i won't be in a hurry; everything will fall into place, in His time, not mine.

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