i found it!

my glamorous journal, i mean. i'm going to bring it with me everywhere i go so i can jot down my thoughts when i need to.

it's been a week of exams for me. let's not get started on that. suffice to say that i used up a whole pen for 2 exams.


March 27, 2009

Virgo (8/23-9/22)

Today you will step into a leadership position, and you will be responsible for getting everyone on the same page at the same time. Luckily, this will easy and enjoyable for you. You've got the confident charm, a high-spirited attitude, and all the patience you need to keep things moving in the right direction today. Whether you are coordinating everyone for a work project or potluck supper, you will have a ball talking with people and checking things off the list.

i'm not sure if this refers to school or to a job opportunity for me. whatever. i'm just biding my time, waiting in the wings, until my time comes.

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