the closer i get to you....

he's here.

close to me.

if i stand i can see him. if he turns, he will see me.

i saw him in my dreams. and they were good dreams.


diet mistakes to avoid

7 Diet Mistakes You Can Avoid

Johns Hopkins University
By Christine McKinney, M.S., R.D., C.D.E. - Posted on Thu, Jan 10, 2008, 1:37 pm PST

No matter if you are trying to lose weight, maintain your weight, or just eat healthier this year, the concept of diet will emerge at some point.

New diets are coming out all the time and some are better than others, but too often we sabotage a new eating plan or healthy eating choice. This year, be aware of these seven common diet mistakes and steer clear of them.

  1. Setting unrealistic goals. When you set goals for a diet, make sure those goals are achievable. Don't try to do everything at once and then expect to suddenly weigh what you did in high school. An example of an attainable goal might be to eat two snacks of fresh fruit every day and three servings of vegetables between lunch and dinner.
  2. Eating only one time each day. I often hear that people, in order to "save" calories, are skipping breakfast and lunch and only eating dinner. Let me tell you: This plan will save you no calories and can squelch your metabolism in the bargain. Eating three meals a day is important to your general health.
  3. Thinking short-term only. This is why people lose and then regain weight so quickly. A change in diet isn't meant to be just for a few months; it should become a lifelong habit. Think long-term changes.
  4. Underestimating your food portions. We are all guilty of this. Research shows that, when recalling foods consumed, most people under-report the amounts they ate. You may think that you only are having one cup of cereal — but use a measuring cup just to be sure.
  5. Making your diet plan too restrictive. When starting a diet, people usually err on the side of caution and eat too little — a practice they aren't able to maintain long-term. Also, a diet never means excluding major food groups like whole grains, fruits, or dairy.
  6. Not having a support system. When working on eating healthier, the more support you have the better. Tell others around you about your goals and let them know how they can best help you.
  7. Forgetting about exercise. People often ask me, "Which one is more important, diet or exercise?" I reply, "Do you want your airplane to have one wing or two?" Diet and exercise need to be done together — don't forget to exercise regularly.

something interesting to read

Take Note: Doodling Can Help Memory

By HealthDay - Fri Feb 27, 8:48 PM PST

- FRIDAY, Feb. 27 (HealthDay News) -- You might look like you're not paying attention when you doodle, but science says otherwise.

Researchers in the United Kingdom found that test subjects who doodled while listening to a recorded message had a 29 percent better recall of the message's details than those who didn't doodle. The findings were published in Applied Cognitive Psychology.

"If someone is doing a boring task, like listening to a dull telephone conversation, they may start to daydream," study researcher Professor Jackie Andrade, of the School of Psychology at the University of Plymouth, said in a news release issued by the journal's publisher. "Daydreaming distracts them from the task, resulting in poorer performance. A simple task, like doodling, may be sufficient to stop daydreaming without affecting performance on the main task."

For the experiment, a two-and-a-half minute listing of several people's names and places was played for test subjects, who were charged with writing down only the names of the people said to be attending a party. During the recording, half the participants were asked to simultaneously shade in shapes on a piece of paper without attention to neatness. Participants were not told they were taking part in a memory test.

When the recording ended, all were asked for the eight names of those attending the party as well as eight place names mentioned in the audio. Those asked to doodle wrote down, on average, 7.5 names and places, while those who didn't doodle listed only 5.8.

"In psychology, tests of memory or attention will often use a second task to selectively block a particular mental process," Andrade said. "If that process is important for the main cognitive task, then performance will be impaired. My research shows that beneficial effects of secondary tasks, such as doodling, on concentration may offset the effects of selective blockade."

In everyday life, Andrade said, doodling "may be something we do because it helps to keep us on track with a boring task, rather than being an unnecessary distraction that we should try to resist doing."

over over worked

it's 10:22am on a saturday morning. i've been here since 9:30pm last night, trying to finish 34 monits in 2 days. i still have work tonight.

i don't know what i'm doing to myself.

although it's nice to work on a saturday morning, my brain's already all but asleep. i'm no longer absorbing the calls i listen to because i'm tired and to some extent, hungry. i know that i'm to blame for being the perennial crammer, but at the start of the month i thought i had it conquered when i was able to finish 50% of my monits at the end of the second week.

but disaster struck on the 19th. i marked that on my calendar as the day the ball fell. there were no entries in my datebook for three days after that.

i don't want to relive how i felt during those three days (thursday, friday, saturday). i felt used, abused, useless. it wasn't a good thing but human as i am, i felt it keenly.

but as i mentioned in an earlier blog, i will finish this no matter what it takes.

i'll just go get something to eat. i'm too hungry to think.

quote of the day

" The feeling is NEUTRAL."

= sabi ni joma kani kanina lang. mga...1 minute ago.

21 things you should know about your body

Here's an inside look at how women’s bodies work.

1. Some Bacteria Are Good For You
Bugs can be beneficial in certain parts of your body. The average woman’s vagina is loaded with bacteria, fungi, and viruses, and they’re there for a reason: they usually promote cleanliness. By absorbing debris and fighting one another, they help keep the vaginal environment balanced and healthy. Don’t be overzealous with soap and perfume products as this area of your body is designed to look after itself.

2. Thin Bra Straps Cause Headaches
According to doctors at the University of Texas in Dallas, a tight strap that digs into your shoulders can put downward pressure on the cervical nerve that runs from your back to your shoulder. The result can be frequent headaches, neck pain or numbness. Over time, it can cause pain that radiates all the way from your shoulders to your hands. Have your bra size properly measured. Throw away bras with skinny straps that dig in.

3. Women Have More Grey Matter Than Men
Men may have bigger brains, but women have more of the grey matter that’s vital for information processing. This explains why they perform just as well on intelligence tests, despite the difference in brain size.

4. It’s Essential For women to Drink Safely
“Women’s bodies contain less water and more body fat, which means alcohol reaches the liver more quickly and in higher concentrations than in men. We not only get drunk more quickly, but are also more vulnerable to long-term damage to our heart, liver, pancreas, and nervous system,” explains Dr. Sarah Jarvis. “Hormones play a role, too. Women become even more vulnerable to the effects of alcohol around their period,” she adds. Drink safely—no more than two to three units a day (one unit equals ten milliliters), no more than 14 units a week, with a few alcohol-free days. And be sure to have food when drinking. “Everyone underestimates how much they drink, so be totally honest—or you’re just fooling yourself,” says Dr. Jarvis. “More than six units in one sitting counts as binge drinking, which in the short term doubles your risk of stroke.”

5. The Time of The Month Affects How You Feel Pain
Your perception of pain alters during your menstrual cycle. Burn your hand around that time and it may hurt more. Researchers at the University of Michigan found that estrogen is vital for regulating the brain’s natural ability to suppress pain. Just before ovulation, when estrogen levels are highest, the brain’s natural painkilling system responds more powerfully, releasing chemicals to dampen pain signals. But when estrogen levels fall, the system is less efficient.

6. Our Bodies Aren’t Designed To Walk Upright
“If women walked on four legs, they’d have fewer pelvic floor problems,” says Jeannette Haslam, a physiotherapist specializing in women’s health. In women’s bodies, the pelvic floor muscles have a lot of work to do. “We have the weight of the bladder plus the strain of pregnancy and childbirth. The pelvic floor is the only area of the body that undergoes such stresses,” says Haslam. To strengthen it, tighten the muscles around your back passage, vagina, and front passage and pull up inside as if you’re trying to stop passing urine. It should feel like a ‘lift and squeeze up’ inside. Aim for 10 quick pull-ups and 10 slow, holding in for four seconds, three times daily. Do as many as you can and build up gradually.

7. Women’s Brains Make Less Serotonin
It may be why women are two to three times more likely to suffer depression, and why a low carb diet can leave you irritable. Eating carbohydrate0rich food, such as fruit, bread, rice and pasta, stimulates the production of serotonin—a neurotransmitter that helps to boost mood.

8. One in Four Women is Iron Deficient
“A recent nutrition survey shows many women aren’t getting enough iron,” says Bridget Aisbitt, nutrition scientist at the British Nutrition Foundation. Iron helps make hemoglobin, found in red blood cells, which transport oxygen to the body tissues. Red meat is the best source of iron; it’s also found in dried fruit and green leafy vegetables. Avoid tea and coffee with meals—they can hinder iron absorption.

9. Giving Up Smoking Has Greater Benefits For Women
Women smokers may be at a higher risk of heart attack than men who smoke, and women are prone to developing incurable Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), which kills more women than breast cancer. Smoking also increases the risk of at least ten cancers, and women smokers are more likely than men to develop lung cancer.

10. Drugs Can Work Differently For Women
Doctors are finding out that men and women react differently to certain drugs—certain antibiotics and some medication for hypertension are more effective in women, for example, as are morphine-like painkillers.

11. We’re All Very Different
Vaginas and cervixes come in many shapes and sizes. “If you find smears uncomfortable, tell the nurse or doctor as speculums do come in a variety of sizes,” advises Dr. Kate Worsley, head of medical development at Marie Stopes International Global Partnership, a foundation which provides information on sexual and reproductive health. “Sometimes women feel discomfort because the doctor or nurse has to search for the cervix. Wombs and cervixes can be tilted at various angles in different women and it may be hard for the doctor or nurse to find it immediately.

12. Killer Heels Really Are Bad For Your Health
Worn too often, high heels can cause painful bunions, calluses, and corns—and it’s not just the feet that suffer. High heels can affect your posture, putting stress on the spine, resulting in back problems. Long periods of wearing high heels can shorten calf muscles, leading to back, hip, and knee difficulties.

13. Diabetic Women are More At Risk of Heart Attack
“A man with diabetes has double the risk of heart disease; for women, the risk is raised up to seven times,” says Dr. Vahini Naidoo, nuclear cardiologist at the Roayal Brompton Hospital.

14. Gum Disease Can Trigger premature Birth
Studies show that women with severe gum disease may be twice as likely to have a pre-term baby and may be at more risk of pre-eclampsia. Researchers at the University of Alabama think bacteria from diseased gums can trigger increases in the levels of compounds that induce labor. By giving pregnant women regular gum treatment, the team reduced premature births by up to 84 percent.

15. Women Wake More Quickly From Anesthetics
Women come round faster—in an average of seven minutes rather than the 11 it takes men to recover; possibly because women are less susceptible to anesthesia.

16. Aspirin Protects Women Against Stroke
Researchers from the Women’s Health Study found that while a daily aspirin reduced the risk of a first heart attack for middle-aged men, it doesn’t for women. But aspirin reduces women’s risk of stroke (an effect not seen in men) and reduces risk of heart attack in women of 65 and more.

17. Women Need To Take More Care of Their Bones
Women comprise 80 percent of those with osteoporosis. After menopause, levels of estrogen—the hormone that protects against bone loss—fall and women can lose up to 20 percent of bone mass in the first five to seven post-menopause years. But osteoporosis is preventable: Take weight-bearing exercises, don’t smoke, and get plenty of calcium and vitamin D.

18. Genes Affect Orgasms
If you’re among the one in three women who rarely or never climaxes during intercourse, it may be due to genes. When doctors at St. Thomas’ Hospital compared to 4,000 female twins they found that the ability to reach orgasm was genetic. This may have developed originally as a way of weeding out less desirable men—that is, if a man can’t bring a woman to orgasm, he is probably not a good long-term mate.

19. Heart Disease Symptoms Can Be Different
“For some women, the symptoms of heart attack are the same as in men, although women may be more likely to experience indigestion-like pain around the breast bone, shortness of breath, overwhelming tiredness, and feeling generally unwell, rather than the classic, crushing chest pain,” says Dr. Naidoo. “The important thing is to take symptoms seriously, whatever your age, and know your risk.”

20. It’s harder For Women To Get To Sleep
The US National Sleep Foundation found 50 percent of women had disrupted sleep for two or three days round their period, when estrogen and progesterone levels fall. It’s thought that both these hormones may affect how you sleep—while progesterone may make you feel more sleepy. Peri-menopausal symptoms such as night sweats are also a factor.

21. Alzheimer’s Is a Greater Threat To Women
“There are three times as many women with Alzheimer’s disease as men,” says Professor Clive Ballard of the Alzheimer’s Society. “We’re still not clear why.” However, new research has shown that women taking estrogen had lower levels of the protein beta-amyloid in their blood. In Alzheimer’s disease, beta-amyloid form “plaques” in the brain, which lead to the death of brain cells.

you can't force me to respect you. you have to earn it.

had a longish talk with former teammate V earlier tonight. V is a strong woman, a kulasa like i am. i got a lot of pointers from her on dealing with people, and dealing with the sh*t that has been thrown at me.

1) respect is earned. it is never forced out of the person you want to respect you. a true leader never forces his/her subordinates to respect him/her just because he/she is the leader. instead, the true leader acts as a leader should, and in this way earns the respect of the subordinates. if the respect is forced, then it is not respect. it is fear. and people hate what they fear.

2) leadership does not equate to dictatorship. leadership means acting and leading others to act in the same way. dictatorship is ordering others to act in a certain way, with the dictator acting however he/she wants without fear of reprisal.

3) what is right is not always popular. and what is popular is not always right.

thanks, V, for reminding me. :)

what does it mean?

let me tell you what it means.

it means that we do not think that anything we do after last week's announcement means anything to us, to you, to those up there.

it means that we do not want to exert any more effort when our efforts have not been enough in the past.

it means that we're human. we get tired of doing the same thankless, shitty job day in and day out.

it means all of these and so much more.

but for the sake of those who matter, we are going to do this. you don't have to order us to finish what we need to do because WE ARE GOING TO DO IT. one way or another, it will be done.

you asked where is our sense of stewardship? here's my answer. our stewardship has been here from the time we became what we are now. we would not be promoted if we did not exercise stewardship in our work.

and now i want to ask, where is your respect for the individual? where is your integrity?

no, don't bother to answer. it's pretty obvious.

first there were thirteen....UPDATED!

this is something connected to ychai's blog entry on the churvy world.

there were 13 residents of this "world", a crazy set up of 13 individuals who worked in the same office, with almost the same tasks. but because of recent changes, the 13 went down to five.

Alive! Alive! moved on to another position, in another world.

Mother Lily, Madam Violet, Pepster, Eva Fonda, the Bachelor, Odie, and Garfield are to be "redeployed".

That leaves Ateng (a.k.a. Raymond/Mcdo), Tita Annabel, Pura/Volta, His Evidence (a.k.a. Richard/Jollibee), and Dagul as the remaining residents of churvy world.

if this were an episode on "maalaala mo kaya", the title would be "Laptop".



ychai, in a recent blog entry, replied to my post above. this is what she had to say:

Pura doesn't think that Alive! Alive Mother Lily, Madam Violet, Pepster, Eva Fonda, the Bachelor, Odie, and Garfield are leaving the churvy world.

Churvy world is in our hearts.

Once a churvinian, always a churvinian.


makes me feel like a noranian. or a vilmanian.

mabuhay ang churvy world!!! :)

new things to learn

i've learned a lot of things since i started graduate school.

on the academic side, i learned to appreciate economic analysis and how it can apply to my everyday life. i learned about managerial accounting and realized that the so-called public financial statements given by companies do not necessarily contain the real story behind a company's financial fitness.

i learned that people can be real users and will exploit your kindness when they don't know the answers to questions and expect you to give it to them. all they need to do actually is to read the book and listen to the professor, and think, which i don't think they're actually doing. so what's the point in their going to graduate school?

a digression: last tuesday night, i was unfortunate enough to get to school late and be seated amongst the aliens in the class. when i say aliens, these are the non-filipino students. the professor was lecturing about statistics and stuff like that, and i had to listen well in order to understand the lesson. but the noise (and the smell) of these aliens jabbering away in their native tongue with no respect for the others in the class totally irked me, and when my seatmate asked me about the answer to the previous week's assignment which we already passed to the teacher at the beginning of the class and which he was stupid enough not to realize that it was an assignment to be passed, i told him i didn't have the answer on me, in a not too nice way.

why not too nice? because he was not being nice and courteous and all. and does he expect me to actually answer the assignment for him? and why does he have to ask when he was also present last week? if only he, and they, would listen.


it was the same thing last term, when my alien classmates had the gall to actually ask me to answer the take home final paper for Operations Management and then email them my answers. i didn't. i slaved over that paper for days, and i'm a working student, not for public consumption but for me to pass the subject. i let other people copy my work only if they tried and they really can't finish the exam without a little help. but, really now. the "gift" from faceshop you gave me on the last day of school, you said that was for my being a good leader (read: doing the group report all by myself and letting them get credit). it wasn't payment for answering the exam for you.

so, anyway, what else have i learned from graduate school? i learned that i have some talent in math, something i never expected. hahaha. i learned how to use a thumb drive, or more commonly known as a USB drive. i learned that there is more to operations management than just handling a cluster of TLs in a call center. hahaha.

surely there are a lot of things that i learned in graduate school. i aim to learn more, hopefully.



what a word.

i like it because it lets me open only one application and whatever status i put there will also update my status on 2 or 3 other applications.


somewhere i have never travelled by e.e. cummings

[somewhere i have never travelled]
e.e. cummings

somewhere i have never travelled,
gladly beyond
any experience,
your eyes have their silence:

in your most frail gesture are things which enclose me,
or which i cannot touch because they are too near

your slightest look easily will unclose me
though i have closed myself as fingers,
you open always petal by petal myself as Spring opens
(touching skilfully, mysteriously) her first rose

or if your wish be to close me,
i and
my life will shut very beautifully, suddenly,
as when the heart of this flower imagines
the snow carefully everywhere descending;

nothing which we are to perceive in this world equals
the power of your intense fragility: whose texture
compels me with the color of its countries,
rendering death and forever with each breathing

(i do not know what it is about you that closes
and opens; only something in me understands
the voice of your eyes is deeper than all roses)
nobody, not even the rain, has such small hands

25 February 2009 - Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday


The Wednesday after Quinquagesima Sunday, which is the first day of the Lenten fast.

The name dies cinerum (day of ashes) which it bears in the Roman Missal is found in the earliest existing copies of the Gregorian Sacramentary and probably dates from at least the eighth century. On this day all the faithful according to ancient custom are exhorted to approach the altar before the beginning of Mass, and there the priest, dipping his thumb into ashes previously blessed, marks the forehead -- or in case of clerics upon the place of the tonsure -- of each the sign of the cross, saying the words: "Remember man that thou art dust and unto dust thou shalt return." The ashes used in this ceremony are made by burning the remains of the palms blessed on the Palm Sunday of the previous year. In the blessing of the ashes four prayers are used, all of them ancient. The ashes are sprinkled with holy water and fumigated with incense. The celebrant himself, be he bishop or cardinal, receives, either standing or seated, the ashes from some other priest, usually the highest in dignity of those present. In earlier ages a penitential procession often followed the rite of the distribution of the ashes, but this is not now prescribed.

There can be no doubt that the custom of distributing the ashes to all the faithful arose from a devotional imitation of the practice observed in the case of public penitents. But this devotional usage, the reception of a sacramental which is full of the symbolism of penance (cf. the cor contritum quasi cinis of the "Dies Irae") is of earlier date than was formerly supposed. It is mentioned as of general observance for both clerics and faithful in the Synod of Beneventum, 1091 (Mansi, XX, 739), but nearly a hundred years earlier than this the Anglo-Saxon homilist Ælfric assumes that it applies to all classes of men. "We read", he says,

in the books both in the Old Law and in the New that the men who repented of their sins bestrewed themselves with ashes and clothed their bodies with sackcloth. Now let us do this little at the beginning of our Lent that we strew ashes upon our heads to signify that we ought to repent of our sins during the Lenten fast.

And then he enforces this recommendation by the terrible example of a man who refused to go to church for the ashes on Ash Wednesday and who a few days after was accidentally killed in a boar hunt (Ælfric, Lives of Saints, ed. Skeat, I, 262-266). It is possible that the notion of penance which was suggested by the rite of Ash Wednesday was was reinforced by the figurative exclusion from the sacred mysteries symbolized by the hanging of the Lenten veil before the sanctuary.

24 February 2009 - Post #1

Another new blog. I have one too many already. I even twit and plurk (hehehehe) around. I promised to start a handwritten diary.

But this one's the real thing. This will be the chronicle of my life, beginning today. Hopefully, this will be more updated, not too personal, and maybe more interesting.

Is there anything interesting about my life?